
Live To Shine Liquid Supplements

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Calcium Magnesium Vitamin D Patch

The Strength and Vitality Patch to keep you Strong and Healthy

Both Women and Men can suffer from Osteoporosis as they age and its not pretty!  We’ll help you stand straight and tall with a beautiful smile with our Calcium Magnesium Patches.

Calcium Magnesium and Vitamin D do more than help you age gracefully.

  • Your Heart, Muscles and Nerves need Calcium

  • Calcium along with Vitamin D may have role in cancer prevention, diabetes prevention and the prevention of high blood pressure

  • You need Vitamin D with Calcium to aid absorption – Vitamin D also plays a role in Immunity

  • Magnesium fights Depression, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes however its best known for its Anti-Inflammatory benefits – its ability to stop cramps, aid digestion and improve sleep 

So stay strong and keep moving with the Strength and Vitality Calcium Magnesium and Vitamin D Patch

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